Jun 4 - A Patch of Dirt

Ethan Davis
1 min readJul 24, 2022


I’ve always loved the ground. Earth is far more intriguing than most are willing to acknowledge. I mean, have you ever looked at a handful of dirt? Really, genuinely examined it with gusto? It’s amazing.

However, I have never felt particularly attached to any specific part of it. But that’s all changed. There is a patch of dirt in Lake Park Hills Cemetery in Laurel, Mississippi that is always on my mind. I have to reckon and rumble with it. I have to dream about and visit it. Why? Because my brother is there.

It’s a rectangle of earth that has within it the most honored guest that I could imagine. That rectangle has become sacrosanct to me, so much so that I decided not to put a picture of it here. I never would have imagined that a patch of dirt could mean so much, stand for so many things, but it does. And it will be my alter until I (me, myself, and my humanity) end.



Ethan Davis

I like to comment on things after I've had some time to think about them. Born in MS. Working in D.C. If you don't like Dickens, I'm not sure we can be friends.